
How to buy wow tcg loot cards online? Where do you buy wow tcg loot cards online?

The guide is for items that exchanged from Landro Longshot in Booty Bay, please make sure you have at least one empty spot in your bags before the exchange.
As the Landro Longshot item names are not the same with the items that you bought, please check the following table to find the corresponding item name in Landro Longshot.
Guy4game ProductTCG ExpansionLandro Longshot Item
Banana CharmThrough the Dark PortalBaby Gorllla Pet
Big Battle BearDrums of WarBear Mount
Blazing HippogryphWrathgateBlazing Hippogryph
D.I.S.C.O.Servants of the BetrayerDisco Ball
Dragon KiteMarch of the LegionKite
Epic Purple ShirtDrums of WarEpic Purple Shirt
Ethereal PortalWrathgatePortal Stone
Fishing ChairThrough the Dark PortalFishing Chair
Foam Sword RackBlood of GladlatorsFoam Sword Rack
Goblin Gumbo KettleFires of OutlandGoblin Gumbo Kettle
Goblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-BServants of the BetrayerGoblin Weather Machine - Prototype 01-B
Grim CampfireWorldbreakerGrim Campfire
Hippogryph HatchlingHeroes of AzerothHippogryph Hatchling
Imp in a BallThrough the Dark PortalImp in a Ball
Instant Statue PedestalScourgewarInstant Statue
Landro's Gift BoxWrathgateLandro's Gift Box
Landro's Lil' XTIcecrownLandro's Lil' XT
Little Ivory Raptor WhistleScourgewarMini-Mount
Little White Stallion BridleScourgewarMini-Mount
Magic Rooster EggFields of HonorMagic Rooster Mount
Mottled DrakeWorldbreakerMottied Drake
Ogre PinataBlood of GladlatorsOgre Pinata
Paint BombIcecrownPaint Bomb
Papa Hummel's Old-Fashioned Pet BiscuitMarch of the LegionPet Blscult
Paper Flying Machine KitMarch of the LegionPaper Alrplane
Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.Drums of WarParty G.R.E.N.A.D.E.
Path of CenariusFields of HonorPath of Cenarlus
Path of IllidanHunt for IllldanPath of Illidan
Picnic BasketThrough the Dark PortalPicnic Basket
Reins of the Spectral TigerFires of OutlandSpectral Tiger Mount
Reins of the Swift Spectral TigerFires of OutlandSpectral Tiger Mount
Riding TurtleHeroes of AzerothRiding Turtle
Rocket ChickenFires of OutlandRocket Chicken
Sandbox TigerBlood of GladlatorsSandbox Tiger
Soul-Trader BeaconHunt for IllldanEthereal Summoner
Spectral Tiger CubScourgewarSpectral Tiger Cub
Tabard of FlameHeroes of AzerothRed Tabard
Tabard of FrostPoints RedemptionBlue Tabard
The Flag of OwnershipHunt for IllldanTaunt Flag
Tuskarr KiteFields of HonorTuskarr Kite
Wooly White RhinoIcecrownRhino Mount
X-51 Nether-RocketServants of the BetrayerX-51 Nether-Rocket
X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREMEServants of the BetrayerX-51 Nether-Rocket
Amani DragonhawkTwiligit of the DragonsAmani Dragonhawk
Fool's GoldTwiligit of the DragonsFool's Gold
Nightsaber CubTwiligit of the DragonsNightsaber Cub
Savage RaptorWar of the ElementsSavage Raptor Mount
Swift ShorestriderThrone of TidesSwift Shorestrider
War Party Hitching PostWar of the ElementsWar Party Hitching Post
Purple PufferThrone of TidesPurple Puffer Pet
Landro's LichlingWar of the ElementsLandro's Lichling
Tabard of BrilliancePoints RedemptionTabard of Brilliance
Tabard of FuryPoints RedemptionTabard of Fury
Tabard of NaturePoints RedemptionTabard of Nature
Tabard of the ArcanePoints RedemptionTabard of the Arcane
Tabard of the DefenderPoints RedemptionTabard of the Defender
Tabard of the VoidPoints RedemptionTabard of the Void
Perpetual Purple FireworkPoints RedemptionPerpetual Purple Firework
Carved Ogre IdolPoints RedemptionCarved Ogre Idol
Throwing StarfishThrone of TidesThrowing Starfish

Now is the process of item exchange.
1, Please go to Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale and find the goblin merchant Landro Longshot at (42.7, 71.5)
2, Talk to Landro Longshot and choose "What promotions do you have?"
3, Find your TCG Expansion (see the table in the beginning to find your TCG Expansion) and continue the talk.
4, After choose the TCG Expansion, please choose the corresponding item name in Landro Longshot according to the Guy4game product you bought
5, Click the Landro Longshot Item, fill in the blank with code that we sent to you, click accept, and you will get your TCG item, you could find it in your bag.
6, If the product you purchased is "Big Blizzard Bear" or "Smoldering Murloc Egg": For Alliance go to Ironforge and find Ransin Donner (50.6,11.9); for Horde go to Orgrimmar and find Zas'Tysh (67.8,41.6), and follow the previous steps to exchange your TCG products.

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